See Feel Think
Book Design
Classroom Project
This book is a collection of my thoughts and experiences during the course called 'Learning from the Fields'. This publication is an outcome of the course ‘Learning from the Field’ which was intended to understand the local physical environment, gain multisensory experience, social and cultural perspective of people and place from Indian society and culture. This booklet documents my experiences during the week-long stay in Naranpura, a small village in Gujarat, India.
Each chapter follows a major emotion I felt during each day at the village. A spread with an expressive treatment of the lines referring to the emotion of the succeeding chapter with a quote on it acts as chapter brakes.
The alternate rhythm of the chapter layout is accompanied by a single page simple illustration. The design employs a two-column grid with composition and placement such that it emphasizes the personal diary-like read. The use of pastel colors and watercolor texture of the illustration accentuates the overall mood I am trying
to convey.